ThermAll heeft een breed assortiment aan kleppen. De kleppen zijn leverbaar in temperatuurklasses tot 700° graden en diamters tot 2500mm voor simpele en zeer belangrijke installaties.
The Symply Butterfly valve is made for applications where a high seal is required (from 95 up to 98%) and a simple and economic execution is needed, with thickness between 3 and 6 mm.
The heavy square valve is designed for the cement-plant field, it's usually made with anti-wear materials as Hardox 400 and often used in heavy applications.
The guillotine valve is needed when a part of the entire system must be excluded or when a seal of 99,95% is required. It's usually used in ON/OFF applications.
They're suitable for light or slow flows, or combined with slow fans (900 rpm). They're mainly used for the automatic execution in ventilation or conditioning systems.